Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly deposits your AdSense earnings into your bank account, in your local currency, to greatly speed up and simplify the payment process. EFT is fast, secure, and environmentally friendly, and it's the Google-recommended payment method.
Requirements for EFT Payment :
- Your Payment address must be located in India
- Maintain minimium of $100 balance in you Google Adsense account to recieve the payment
- You must have Personal Bank Account with an Indian Swift code which will have 8 or 11 characters and IFSC code.
Enable Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment in Google Adsense :
1. Sign in to your valid Adsense account.
2. Go to Payments > Payment Settings
3. In Payment Settings, click on the edit self-hold option and in the next screen check for the Hold Payments box and click on Apply
Note: It may take upto one week to change your payment method into EFT Method.
4. Once your account is updated with self hold option, you will receive a mail from Google Adsesne with a message “Your account is has been upgraded”
How to Add New Form of Payment (EFT Payment) :
1. Login to your Google Adsense account and, go to Payments > Payment Settings
2. Here, you need to add a new form of payment, click Add new form of payment
3. Select “Fund transfer to back account” and click Continue.
4. Now add your bank account details like Bank account number, Name of the account holder, SWIFT code, Bank name, IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) code and click Confirm and continue.
This is a one time process, after this Google will send all your future payments by wire transfer. So you will never have to eait for the postal and courier services for the payments
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